Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Zero Sum Game

This photo betrays the month it has been. Lia gave me the old: Things can't go on like this speech a few days ago, and I agree. 

The hard part for me to swallow is that life this month has been full with good things. Lots of activities. Great times with friends. And a number of opportunities - I've given twelve talks since March 1. I love giving talks. But I agree, twelve in a month is a few too many.

You see, the thing is it's not really the number of talks. It's the price my family pays when I give them. It often feels like a zero sum game. Like the better one of us does - the worse it is for the rest of us. 

Is that like the fourth law of Murphy?

I don't really know what to do with it. Other than to hope for better balance. The challenge for me is that too often things seem to come my way in feasts and famines. If only opportunities would spread themselves out...

Unfortunately, opportunities come when they come. 

For me, I need to make decisions not solely on the basis of whether I can do them or not. I need to say yes when it is great for all of us. In order to accomplish this: Lia and I are implementing a few new ground rules for Ned. This blog is another way to hold me accountable. It helps to get my desires written some place where I can see them. I have also recruited some fellas to lash me down to my seat when they see I'm getting a bit too excited. 

All this to say that I'm thankful for the opportunities, but there are also things to be thankful for when they don't come.     
As I was reminded this weekend: childhood only happens once. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Talk on Rest

Here's a talk I gave at Southside Community Church Last week on Rest. Sorry for the bang at the beginning. I haven't listened to the entirety because I haven't entirely gotten comfortable with the sound of my voice.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

My New Friends from New Providence

Just returning from an incredible weekend with my new friends from New Providence, NJ.

I had the true honor of speaking to my middle school youth pastor's church (this is twenty-three years back y'all). We reconnected a few years ago, and I can't tell you how cool it was to hang out with him again. Mike Flavin, you are the man.

One of the many cool cats I had the privilege of chilling with. (It was seriously like 5 degrees)

Never one to be unambitious - I set out to answer life's two most important questions: who am I? and why am I here? It was a quite a bit to bite off, but hey, why shoot for less?

Here's me and Mike.

So now you know where I get it....

He wasn't the only dead head (see below)...get it? Pretty funny. I didn't come up with it.

The camp was located directly next to Bushkill Falls, one of the prettiest places in America. I snuck into the park and took a few pics. If you are ever in the area, be sure to check them out. (And pay an extra $7 bucks for me)

We spent Saturday morning thinking about how we have been shaped. For those of you who don't know, I've written a book called Clay that will be coming out later this year. It was a lot of fun to share some of the story with these new friends. 

One molded a mini-Ned for me! Bubble butt and all. It's now waving at me in my office! Thanks Jeremy.

Thank you everyone. I have never felt more appreciated.

Till we meet again. Keep stepping into the promise.