Thursday, March 17, 2016

Life Lessons

Summit School recently took its third graders to Samaritan's Inn - a homeless shelter off of Northwest Blvd. downtown. Anna Rose wrote this reflection after her experience.

Used to think
Homeless people are gross
They do not need help
They just want money
They are mean and bad

Now I think
It is good to help the homeless
They are people in need
They love company
They are lovable just like you and me

Now, Lia and I have always thought Summit was a great school. Anna Rose thrives there, and she has opportunities to take graphic design and publish books and learn math I only dreamed of learning at age 9 - but what Anna Rose learned at Samaritan's Inn is why my wife and I love having our children at Summit.

Thank you, Summit School.

Harry Potter

Anna Rose and I just finished the Seventh Harry Potter! I once added up the hours that we had spent reading together, but I stopped at 200 hundred. I wouldn't have traded a minute of it. For more reasons than one, I cried through the last twenty pages or so...

It was a true labor of love...and by love I mean I loved it, not to mention my love for my reading buddy...

TOP SECRET: Anna Rose doesn't know this but I've been planning a little trip down to Hogwarts in Orlanda in a few weeks...stay tuned!!! And please don't tell!!!!