Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Stay on target, stay on target, almost there...

That's the feel of things around the Erickson household. We're cruising down the underbelly of this insurmountable foe called Having a Baby, looking for the spot to deposit our depth charge. The fate of the galaxy is in our hands, and there are TIE/D fighters firing their lasers at us.
Ok. Not exactly. Not at all really. I have had two simultaneous incongruous thoughts the last few days: 1. Lia will be pregnant forever. She will be the first woman in history never to deliver! 2. In less than one week, life as we know it will never be the same. We will have a baby whether we are ready for him or not!
I feel Lia's impatience. It's like a tangible substance. It's is our current other child. Maybe that is why the boy has remained breach. Had he been in position, I believe Lia would have done everything within her power to fire her rockets. So the boy is holding onto her ribs for dear life: he is like the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi, "Use the force Lia!" stay on target...stay on target...almost there... I don't want to give the wrong impression. Lia's not doing jazzercise or deep lunges or anything. She is just tired of this whole deal. That has been the difficulty of being on "alert" for going on six weeks now. It's too long to keep your sanity and stay in the chute.
If I'm honest, and I am, sometimes, partially, but when I am honest the truth is I wouldn't mind Ned Jr. baking a bit longer. I got stuff I'm trying to get finished. This whole birth thing, it's sort of a distraction, you know?
I guess he'll come when he's ready. Or at noon on Feb 10. That's when we have the C-Section scheduled.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool post!

The force is with you!

I love that expression and analogy!

Especially when one knows that Christ/Holy Spirit is The Force and is already holding that baby and you all in His loving, tender, but firm hands. Lia, rest in Him, precious one. Ned, walk with Him. I picture, like Moses at the Red Sea, there will be a moment when the waters will part, and one little guy (and Lia!!!) will be delivered.

Ned I hope that you can get all accomplished. Well, at least some of it!

I love you all!


Auntie Dawne