Thursday, January 17, 2013

How How

One of the fun additions this fall has been joining Adventure Princesses (formerly known as Indian Princesses). Anna Rose, I should say, "Deer Hoof" and I, "Slippery Fish" are part of the newly founded Raging River Tribe.

It's been a blast. And as Tally Keeper (Secretary) I have had the honor of documenting the fun. Here is the latest edition:

Tally Keeper Report – December 5, 2012

It was not a banner night for Tally Keeper Slippery Fish. Having arrived at the brightly illuminated Wigwam of Swimming Dolphin and Diving Alligator late, for no reason but sheer lethargy, Slippery Fish discovered to his great dismay that he had entirely forgotten to remind Deer Hoof to remind him to procure cans of sustenance for Senior Services as Flying Fish, Beautiful Heart, Blue Bird, Swimming Dolphin, Rainbow Trout, Golden Dolphin, Golden Fox, and Soaring Butterfly had done for their Braves who clearly must have remembered to remind their princesses to remind them as Slippery Fish had forgotten to do with Deer Hoof.

“People on this land do not have food or houses to live in,” proclaimed Golden Fox, furthering Slippery Fish’s shame.

To which Swimming Dolphin added: “People who do not have houses collect wood to make houses and collect leaves to make windows. And if you don’t have water you might get killed.”

To which Golden Dolphin replied: “If people who don’t got money because we are rich, we can give them money so they can buy stuff.”

All the princesses nodded in agreement at such wisdom.

It was then announced that the craft for the night would be how to make the perfect S’more.

At the word, the princesses burst forth into the woods in quest of a perfect marshmallow torching stick. Unfortunately, Diving Alligator had done such a remarkable job manicuring the lawn of his Wigwam, nary a stick was to be found. Thus led to Slippery Fish’s third misstep of the night.

Hoping to redeem himself, Slippery Fish took it upon himself to search far and near for marshmallow torching sticks. Venturing far into the pachysandra in the vicinity of Diving Alligator’s neighbor’s Wigwam, Slippery Fish found more than he had bargained for.

After supplying two young princesses with sticks, he came to discover that the bottom of his left moccasin was plastered with, there’s no other way to say it, dog poo.

Thus completed Slippery Fish’s stellar evening.

One addition note – Slippery Fish and Deer Hoof represented the Raging River Tribe at this year’s Polar Bear Swim. Slippery Fish would like to assure the rest of the princesses that Deer Hoof performed admirably. Not only did she brave the icy waters, she also passed the swim test with flying colors. How How for Deer Hoof!

1 comment:

Rich and Renee Erickson said...

It does indeed sound like an adventure:)