Sunday, February 08, 2015

Daddy Daughter Dance

This doesn't happen often in the Erickson household. No. Not true. This has NEVER BEFORE HAPPENED in the Erickson household - Anna Rose asked if she could get a dress!

That's right. Self-proclaimed Tomboy-Farm-girl-I-don't-want-to-bathe-no-way-not-ever Anna Rose asked if she could get a new dress for the Adventure Princess Daddy Daughter Dance. 

To which Lia said, and I quote, "When Anna Rose asks for a dress, we get her a dress."

Not that Anna Rose always gets what she wants. She doesn't. (But more than I care to admit.)
Usually I'm the softee. Not this time. Lia was not going to miss this opportunity. 

So while I was up in the mountains at the Leader Retreat, Anna Rose and Lia went to the mall and picked our this:

Beautiful, right?

I said, "Wow! That dress really reflects your personality, Anna Rose."

Lia laughed. "That's exactly what Anna Rose said!"

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