Monday, April 17, 2017

UPDATE week of April 10

...installment by guest author, Jessica Kok (current Fellow)

If you run into a fellow in the next couple of weeks and they look like they're about to start dancing around the room with excitement...there's a good chance it's not because they're already on the second cup of coffee for the day, or because they've suddenly created a five year plan. We leave for the Fellows National Conference and Israel in 2 WEEKS!

Holy Week was a chance to really invest in the moment. First, we buckled down and worked. Many of us spent afternoons and evenings occupying coffee shops to work and write. Then, we rested. Over the weekend, some spent time with family, and others took care of pets for families that were away. The weather was beautiful and God is good.

During the absence of our director, I noticed two things: 1) A lot can happen in a year. Each of the fellows have grown a lot personally, professionally, and spiritually over the course of this year. 2) A lot can happen in a week, especially one that starts off looking empty. 

Monday night, we took over the Erickson household, played games, and made a lot of quiche with their abundance of fresh eggs. The 18 that we needed barely made a dent.  

When the Ericksons are out of town, their house becomes Fellows central. 

How to caption this picture?
Campbell, Dakota, and Will with golf clubs, khaki shorts,
and matching hats brought back by Dakota.
A shot of the boys thanking Christina for capturing this great moment.

On Wednesday, we were given the gift of listening to Chris Perry share his story with us. Chris is a mentor and leader, as well as an entrepreneur and a wildly interesting person to get to know. While he is used to sharing his story, his Wednesday leader lunch talk was uniquely crafted for our group. He even offered to give a copy of David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell to anyone who came and asked for it! Thank you for the time and thought put into this lunch, Chris!

Chris setting up Chapter 1 of his 5: The David and Goliath metaphor.
This is what the menu looks like at Forsyth County Club when the fellows come for lunch.
Thank you Chris and FCC for taking such good care of us!
Sean got teased a bit for ordering two entrees,
but he looks pretty happy with his decision.
Will, Campbell, and Christina finding some free time to shoot hoops.
It was also Holy week, so many set aside the time to attend Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. 

A true testament to the endurance of the Erickson family: Just hours after arriving home
a day later than expected from the DR, Lia led us through some creative egg decorating. 

As if we didn't already know Christina had the most school pride... As an Easter gift from her mom, she now has an official
Wheaton College license plate frame to prove it! Nice Easter dress, Christina ;)

Fellows Fun Fact (FFF): Christina's work takes her to sites all across the state of North Carolina!
She has probably raked up the most miles of all the fellows this year.

Recruiting Update...from Ned

We are up to five Fellows for next year, with the addition of Tucker Bartholomew, an upcoming Wake Forest Graduate.

I just learned this morning that the invitation we extended to Antonius Gunawan on April 3 never reached him! Good Lord. Please pray that the technology demons don't get there way and Antonius accepts. We want this guy!

This week we have two more interviews and another interview the following week. We may try to squeeze in one more before we head out of town for our Mission Trip.

Keep praying y'all.

Financial Snapshot

We are about $1,000 away from reaching out Israel Goal, and for our overall 2017 budget (our fiscal year ends July 31) we are about $12k away.

So if you are looking for somewhere to cash in your Tax Refunds, the Fellows is your place!

Give online by sending donations to (you can also set up monthly giving this way as well)

Or send a donation by mail to

Winston-Salem Fellows
851 W. 5th Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101

We can't pull off this mission without your generous support. Thank you!

Where's Ned?

Ned and the family traveled with a group down to Mission Emanuel for the week.

Lia was busy in the clinic
Anna Rose was on paint patrol

Dave Dave played street soccer and carried buckets
I worked on the construction team

Mostly, I provided comic relief
I was El Gordo with my magical shrinking machine

El Gordo and El Gordito
Aro was El Gordito on Day two

There is an amazing story concerning this wheelchair

I'll be sending a mid-week blog about it

We visited our friend Julia in the Leprosorium

Lia held her namesake at Quita Suenos

I flirted with Florinda at the Leprosorium

Anna Rose got to see her friend Ara

And on Sunday we were able to spend Easter serving food with H.O.P.E.
 Could not have asked for a better spring break.

Looking Forward

Monday: Program Committee Lunch and Round Table at Susan Scott's
Tuesday: Advancement Team Breakfast, Coffee with Joe Moore and Elder Meeting
Wednesday: Coffee with Garrick Throckmorton, Leader Lunch with Mike Ford, Guy time/Girl Time, GIDE, and an interviewee coming into town to spend the night!
Thursday: Interview with Shuhui from UVA and another interviewee coming into town to spend the night.
Friday: Interview with Ashley from Clemson, class at Wake, Running From Crime Event at GIDE, and Young Life Palooza as well as proctoring Speech and Debate!

Full week!

Thanks for your prayers.

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