Monday, February 24, 2020

UPDATE Week of February 24

Monday we celebrated Jacob Pardue and his first twenty-four years


Monday - We had some killer lasagna at Jayson and Tracy Grogan's house. It was a really sweet night. I talked about emptying your cup and serving from the saucer. We welcomed a prospective Fellows candidate. And we celebrated Jacob Pardue. (His birthday was Sunday). A great night was had by all (except Hef - who was down and out with the flu all week - insert sad face)

Jayson and Tracy's comfy chair

Tuesday's highlight - Was a visit from Fellows Alum Julia Schaffner!

Peas in a pod
Julia and Reese (also a Fellows alum) live in Peru and work with a teaching agency as well as Young Life in Arequipa.

David was off of school so we went to Surge and had the place basically to ourselves
the high dive
Peruvians know how to handle their goats

Wednesday - a full day...
We went straight from an interview to Leader Lunch with Robert Egleston. 

Robert and the gang

Robert Egleston, the Executive Director of Leadership Winston-Salem, has such a great story. He is the epitome of a networker in all the best ways. 

He has a natural gift in taking interest in everyone and putting their needs above his own. What a talent! Thank you Robert for sharing your wisdom with us. 

Robert and Brianne discuss important topics like life

Jessica Baker and friend Sam Bishop (from college)
Sam was out interview - we invited him to come along to lunch and he said yes!

After Leader Lunch the Fellows had a short break before afternoon Bible Study. During that break, we received some great news: Haley Westervelt got into her first choice med school: Wake Forest! which also means she will be sticking around Winston-Salem a bit longer! Woo Hoo!!!

Beth Hilliard was prepared with some champagne on hand

Hooray for Haley
God answers prayers!
It is fun to celebrate but it is funner to celebrate with friends
Am I My Brother's Keeper?
A picture of some of the members of the sit-in

This week we commemorated the 60th Anniversary of the sit-ins that took place downtown in Winston-Salem

Nigel led a fantastic panel discussion after the viewing of the documentary

One of the 21 students who participated in the sit-in is still alive and was able to attend. What an honor to shake Vic Johnson's hand. 

Thursday - 

Trying JM's coat on for size
We were given our first snow day of the year

Sophie-Earle and Addie built a snowman
We ran to the store to get the essentials - like brownie batter
Went over Nigel's to discuss a series of matters

Lia and I went on a night hike. 

Finally a night that felt like winter
Home sweet home
Friday - 
We made the decision to postpone our scheduled day at St. Francis Springs. The day turned nice around noon so we made a quick trip up to Pilot Mountain instead. 
What a beautiful day!
The top was closed to cars, so we hiked on the road

Taking it in
Action shot

After shot
Sophie-Earle and Brianne
The gang

That evening, we visited the Piedmont Fellows and Greensboro Fellows for a Game Night

Thank you Piedmont Fellows for hosting!
Mitchell from Piedmont squares off with JM for a meeting of the minds

Saturday - 
The Fellows had Brunch and Hef made her first public appearance of the week. 

David ate tacos
rootin tootin tacos

Sunday - 

Vigil Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Sit-Ins in Winston-Salem

The placard on 4th St. 

Dr. Robinson puts things in context

Dr. Walton gives the Keynote

A truly meaningful event - thank you!

JM with the Love Out Loud gang
Middle School Youth Group Rocks!

I think they like Brianne - and I think Brianne likes them!


We continue to work through applications. We are so thankful for each applicant, but we would love to see more. Particularly, we would love to see more male applicants. So if you know a young gentleman who would benefit from a life-changing experience, send them our way!


Brianne and this random pup would love for you to support the Fellows

The Fellows program runs on community support, so if you believe in what we are doing, how about supporting us today with your donation!

Send checks to 
Winston-Salem Fellows
PO Box 20514
Winston-Salem, NC 27120

or give online at

Thank you!


If you squint real hard you can see Sophie-Earle between the trees

the gang

We love Julia!

and Haley!

and Sophie-Earle

and Michelle

and Krispy Kreme

and icicles

and Brianne and moms everywhere

and David

and smoothies

and Dr. Robinson

and the outdoors

and Anna Rose

and Leadership Winston-Salem

and rocks

and paper hats

Thanks all! Keep sharing the story and spreading the love!!!

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