Sunday, April 12, 2009

Family Camp at Windy Gap

I thought I'd tell the story of this year's trip to Windy Gap Family Camp through photos. This first one was taken while waiting in line for the annual horsey ride. It was A-Ro's highlight from last year, and it has served as a good bribery tool ever since. This picture I think captures the moment well. Lia, hanging on but happy; Ned, baggy eyes, funked out hair; Anna Rose, tongue out in a nannie nannie boo boo I'm about to ride a horsey and no one's gonna stop me...

I love this shot. It was one of the 50 I took during Anna Rose's single loop around the corral. Several photos could have made the blog cut. She wore a smile the whole time. This one shows the simultaneous joy and full-on concentration though. That was what, for me, was most fun to watch.

Here's the perspective shot. A-Ro was on Gulliver: a cross between a Clydesdale and Woolly Mammoth. Anna's not the biggest of girls to begin with, but on the back of this mastodon, she was a shrimp!

This weekend wasn't all fun. I had a couple serious leading music in an ice cream sundae outfit. Ha! Good times. Here's a photo of the band: Adam Sheppard (red M&M), Nate Allman (candy corn (off picture)), Jennifer Steele (green M&M and owner of the red, candy corn, sundae, and borrower of the banana), Jeff Hwang (in the banana), and me (owner of the green M&M). Got it?

This was my final photo of the weekend, taken seconds before slamming the tailgate shut and heading for home. I gave David one responsibility: to protect my cookie booty. Here he is, caught red handed. From his expression, I'm not sure, but by the look of it, neither the cookie nor the crime appeared to sit well.

See you next year, Gulliver!

1 comment:

The Goodman Family said...

Thanks for updating your blog so much! I am the mom of a busy 2 year old, but I currently have a fractured ankle with nothing to do but look at blogs and watch tv. Your blog always makes me smile! God Bless!