Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Potty Time Excellent

You know your life has a hit a new low when the best thing going on is that you are potty training. Especially when you want to argue the point. Which is what I'd like to do. Because potty training has been awesome!

After 34 years...just kidding. I'm talking about Anna Rose. Last week was Potty Boot Camp. Booty Camp you could say. Our friends Tim and Lindsay took the plunge with us as well. See photo. That's Daisy. She rocks, I might add. And her parents have already stopped saving for her college tuition because she is a lock down NCAA Div 1 Scholarship Athlete.

Not so for A-Ro.

But she did master the potty. She's close. And as soon as I learn to upload video on this thing, I'll post her doing the potty dance. If you have not seen the video, please check it out.

my sister actually cut and pasted not so flattering photos of us and inserted them into this:

Pretty hilarious.

But back to Anna Rose. She went all week with only one accident! Unbelievable. She had two over the weekend at Windy Gap. Both were our (my) fault. Today she had the...well, let's just say, we had a messy morning. But, generally, the girl is rocking it. I never thought I'd enjoy so much the sound of liquid on plastic. Ha!

1 comment:

Lee said...

well, if I had known you were going to share your potty dance with everyone, I would have spent more time looking for better pictures. Glad you're finding excitement in potty training.