Saturday, November 09, 2013

Summer Has Arrived

Anna Rose has been asking for a puppy for...well, longer than I can remember. The answer's been No. This has been a daily occurrence...well, for longer than I can remember.

Then came that fateful, that beautiful fateful day last spring at Stone Mountain. It was one of those magical family days when everyone is happy. A no tears Saturday. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. A day that happens every once in a while.

It was then we blurted out the fateful words, "If mommy and daddy do not have another child, we'll get a puppy." Anna Rose heard us. She latched on to it. I'm pretty sure she prayed against mommy's womb. Long story short, Lia and I are not having any more children.

Anna Rose went on the offensive. The answer was No. She redoubled her offensive. The answer became Not Yet. I told her (and Lia by this time) that under no circumstances would I allow them to adopt a puppy until I was finished with my book.

One baby at a time.

Last week, the book was finished. And I allowed myself for the first time to look at the rescue puppy website.

Wouldn't you know it - there she was, Summer, like she had been waiting for us.

Then, came the realization that websites do not always get updated as frequently as you would like them, too. We were looking at this website on a Saturday evening, after the day's adoption fair was over. I mean, who wouldn't adopt this puppy?

So now it was my turn to pray.

And now, Summer is coming home today!

I know, crazy, right? Though, I'm developing this theory called "Simplification via Complication Theory." It works like this: Life gets simpler when it's complicated. Like my friend who totaled his car. He's got a million things he could do today, but guess what he's doing? Buying a car. Or my friend who just had surgery. Her life was crazy, but guess what she's doing today? Reading a book. So I'm thinking the same thing might work for us. You know what I got on the agenda today? For the first time this fall, Nothing. It's puppy time. No time for anything else. Simplification by Complication at its best.

Hi Ho Here We Go!

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