Monday, March 23, 2020

UPDATE Week of March 23

Welcome to the new reality

How Fast Things Change

Was it really only a week ago that I didn't have to think twice before I shook someone's hand? Wow! We are living in a crazy time.

You may be wondering - how can you have a Fellows program if you can't get the Fellows together? Well, it hasn't been easy. It has forced us to get creative, but the truth is - you can. 

And it's not half-bad. 

Stopping to smell whatever that beautiful flower is

In fact, I think our Fellows have faired better than most. Why? Because of the community we already had. We already knew that we would be together on Monday, on Wednesday, on Friday. We knew that we would be connecting with each other, praying for each other, finding ways to have fun together. It's what we do. 

In all honesty, it has been one of the sweetest weeks of the year. It hasn't been perfect, and we have had to extend each other a lot of grace. But all in all, we remain connected. 

There is uncertainty ahead, but some things are sure - God is good. Jesus loves us. We will remain committed to one another. And we will do out part to be a good kingdom citizen in these times. 

I am confident we will look back on this time with sobriety but fondness. For God will meet us in the hardship. He already has. And together, we will get through it. 


Keeping our distance as best we can

Round Table...Tripp and Patricia Wilson offered us their beautiful backyard for an outdoor, spread-out Round Table Monday night. It was so good to be together even if we couldn't hug or high-five. 

Worship was sweet. So was prayer. 

We also brainstormed ideas of how we could make our community even better through these trying times. JM particularly challenged us to look and think beyond ourselves and consider the least of these. It was a powerful reminder that we are not alone in this. 

We also came up with some creative ways to stay connected. A few of these ideas include:
  • Community Buddies - every three days we get a new community buddy that we check in with
  • Marco Polo - a video app where you can leave messages for each other. 
  • Zoom - as it turns out, video meetings are not half-bad. 
We have also practiced some social distancing and had some fun along the way. 

JM has been helping out at the homeless shelter his parent's run. 

All in all - when considering the alternative - isolation and fear - it's good to have each other. 

Leader Lunch...Our lunch this week was "with" Drew Gerstmyer on Zoom. There were a few hitches but we had a good time all in all.

Later, Bible Study was also done virtually. It worked great!

Haley hosted a girl's Bible Study

Friday Classes with John Stubblefield and Nigel Alston were both amazing. 

Nigel's class was one of the best of the year!

Affirmation Brady Bunch Style

We practiced building social capital by going around and sharing what we Love, Admire, and Respect about each other. It was sooooo good. As Nigel said: "You can take those deposits to the bank!"

Tennis Tourney

We were sure to wash our hands!!!

We had a social distance tennis tourney Sunday.

Jackson and Sophie-Earle took home the set in a comeback for the ages. 


Virus or not - these two were getting hitched!
Fellows Alum Trent Hancock and Honorary Fellow Jess Krauss had been planning this day for almost a year, and there was NOTHING that was going to keep them from each other. 

As Trent was quoted in the Wall Street Journal - "Dammit. We will get married!"

That's right - the Wall Street Journal picked up the story and interviewed them before the big day. 

In a stroke of pure genius months ago they had planned an outdoor wedding

Their guest list dwindled from 115 to family and bridal party. 

The photographers took their precautions

We sanitized the heck out of everything and scrubbed down before and afterward. 

The groom and his men
Friday night's rehearsal was pure sweetness.

Trent practices walking down the aisle
Jess was beautiful as always
Trent's mom and boyfriend buried a treasure on the property

So proud of this dude. 

We live streamed the wedding for the folks who couldn't be there.

The toasts
First dance

Cutting the cake

Fellows Alum Garrett Briggs was one of the groomsmen
Bryan Pardue was also one

It was a wedding I will never forget. 

But we got them hitched! 

We hope to have a huge party for these guys later this summer. 

a surreal experience



There was great news this week: Caroline Wolfe from Samford became the newest member of the 2020-21 Fellows Class. 

Welcome Caroline! 

Caroline has some Winston-Salem roots. Our own Deanne Trollinger actually introduced her parents to each other! I'm giving credit to her for sending this beautiful woman our way. 

Welcome to the Winston-Salem Fellows Caroline! 

We will be extending at least one more offer this week. 

We need men! I'm working on three at the moment, but they are a little rascally - we are going to need to pray them in. 

I'm asking the Lord for 4 more! Join me!


Haley learned about the Coronavirus lockdown while on a mission trip to Puerto Rico with her job

We were very thankful that she made it home before all the craziness. 

Futsol for all!

Remember when this kind of picture looked normal?

Waterfall hike with one of her girls

In other international news, Shannon Rainey's daughter Leslie had a heck of a time getting back from Guatemala - but she was able to arrive in the states over the weekend. Praise the Lord! 


this poem was super helpful

This is from JM's dad...

David R. Dixon

We finally found our reason to stay away. 
To keep our distance.
To avert and avoid.

To bypass, elude, give the slip,
steer clear, ditch, step aside,
shirk skip skirt, evade, duck, run
for cover, lay low, dodge,

the weak and the frail, the sick and the 
old, the meek, the poor, the dirty and
disgusting, the smelling homeless, the 
hungry and thirsty, the leper, the one
who might have HIV (sound familiar?),
those who mourn — even the merciful.

Clever to suggest it’s for their own good.
The pretense of prevention. We’re not in
favor of transmission unless it’s smallpox
and good news, guns and Coors Light,
Marlboros and iPhones, Hollywood and
shopping malls, Coca-Cola and diabetes.

To even say it’s out of love — brilliant!
That our exclusivity (I mean isolation)
hurts us more than it hurts you.
For should you be exposed to the places
we congregate, you might would see
from whom we segregate.

But most of all, truly genius
to say we are the contagious,
to make ourselves
the ones from whom they should
turn aside.

As if they wouldn’t notice
As if they haven’t known
all along
How we are the ones infected.

stop and smell the redbuds


Virtual Round Table Monday Night

Virtual Leader Lunch Wednesday with Chris Perry

Virtual Bible Study with the Guys and Gals

Virtual Trivia Night Thursday

Friday - should be beautiful!

Class with Nigel

We will get through this! Yes we will!


spring is still in the air

Trent is with his mom

family hike

dog walking is an acceptable activity

skunk walking not advisable

the man the myth Garrett Briggs
family hike

social distancing

not social distancing

Youth Group activities - being creative

pulling out my old tricks for lunch

tennis everyone?

the man of the moment

gloves advisable

the show must go on
Community buddies

Tennis everyone?

Suspenders are a nice touch

Community Matters - even when it looks different

Keep sharing the story and spreading the love! It just looks different for the time being.

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