Monday, September 07, 2020

UPDATE Week of September 7


The Fellows pause for a picture under the new pavilion in Happy Hill - one of the best views of the city

We had everyone (almost everyone) fully back out of quarantine.

Ned waits to get a Q-Tip stuck up his nose

Our rule is that if you attend a high risk event you must mask, monitor and stay away from the rest of the Fellows for 72 hours, then get a test, then await the results.

Officiating Brendan and Natalie's 60+ person wedding in Ohio counts as high risk. So I had the misfortune of obeying my own rules. 

Good news came Thursday and I was Negative. Woo Hoo!

I have a great team - so life went on just fine while I worked remotely. 


Bryn got herself a name badge!
Hayes showing off his first big boy office

Tori gives her job a thumbs up

Bailey showing off her new spot
It is a great feeling to have all the Fellows employed and finally at work! The office is definitely a lot quieter now (though several Fellows are working remotely to keep me company, not really, but it is appreciated!)

Special Thanks to Our 2020-21 Employers

Applied Family Services (2)
The Budd Group (2)
Crosby Scholars
Fleet Feet
Forsyth County Government
Habitat For Humanity
Hope Presbyterian Church
Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods
New Canaan Society
Novant Foundation

Emily is working with Bill McClain at GIDE this year
AJ is interviewed at New Canaan Society on Friday

Round Table 
At the Raineys

They Raineys are rock stars
Pickleball is a hit
Sam and Bryn

Outdoor dining

I facetimed in while Hayes and C-Fils led music

Shannon led us in Lectio Divina
A great night!


I love starting out the year with John Bost. He is like a cat, except he's lived not nine but like nineteen lives. He also has about as good a grip as anyone on seeing the through line of the Spirit in how his life has played out. 

And he never disappoints. 

And he always cries! Ha!

This year we Zoomed him in. Once COVID clears up we will do Part II in his cabin. 

AJ looks on AJ. Is your mind blown or what?


Heading up the hill to what will soon be Peter Oliver Park
One of the most powerful experiences I get to share with the Fellows is our annual Freedom Ride. Usually, my friend Terrance Hawkins leads us, but do to COVID we had to keep it in house. 

In other words, it wasn't as good as it usually is. But we did what we could. 

Here are a couple spots we hit...

St. Phillips Moravian
Happy Hill
The Fourth Street Sit-Ins at Woolworths and the Good Samaritan Statue with my friends Stan Both and Darryl Barr
Discussing Jim Crow

Standing on the other side of 52 from the Innovation Quarter. It's 200 yards away and what feels like 1000 miles away


Bill is one of the Seven over Seventy. Our lunch was interrupted by a clock presentation!
Bill McClain helps us understand the poverty mindset

Bill and his staff did an outstanding job walking us through some of the challenges facing those born in poverty. It was a sobering and at the same time inspiring time together. 

Capped off by a Fish Fry from Forsyth Seafood!

Ms. Terry cracks me up

Michelle and April
AJ, Ms. Roberts and Caroline (Lynn)

Later that afternoon, the Fellows took the Strengths Finders Assessment

Bailey models
Then it was time for some afternoon fun at the house

What a weekend!


Hef introduces Michelle and Hayes at Church
Davis introduces Lynn, Emily and Sam

Tripp Sanders and the Redeemer Fellows
AJ and Bryn learn to be relevant with today's youth
Thank you to all of our amazing Church Partners!

River Oaks
Salem Chapel
First Pres

The Girls found the Cobblestone Market

finding local landmarks

Cafe Gelato is walkng distance from the Fellows House - dangerous!
The Fellows hosted their own wine and cheese night

Michelle is discovering Winston-Salem all over again
Hayes checked out Threshing Floor Brewery
So did AJ
Ross and I worked the Beer Taps


The Fellows is a 501c3 Organization that depends on the generosity of the community to support what it does. Would you please consider how you might want to contribute to this transformative experience. 

If you would like to schedule a time to talk about ways to invest or get involved please call or text Ned Erickson at 336-413-4918. I would love to meet with you.

How could you not support this?
Send checks to 

Winston-Salem Fellows
PO Box 20514
Winston-Salem, NC 27120

or give online

there is a monthly payment option.



It's going to be another great week to be a Fellow!
- Farming At Crossnore
- Labor Day Round Table at the Ericksons

Tuesday and Wednesday
- Center For Creative Leadership Intensive

- Staff Meeting 
- Meet with Mentor

- Walking Tour of Moravian History and Old Salem

- Mentor Training with the Barnabas Center


Spikeball action shot

bottle rocket science project


Doughton Park fam time


We mourned the loss of Jack Larson - founder of Mission Emanuel and my friend

Brendan became an official honorary Fellow

Hayes will learn to share by the end of this program

Action shot

Friday lunch

Shannon on a weekend getaway - I'm thinking Linville Falls

The dividing line

new verse in the foyer

Davis did a great job

the boys

Lia kissed me and I turned back into a toad

A great weekend with Lia's parents

at lunch we learned that Hayes is allergic to fish

whispy clous

my brother

Game night! Catan y'all


Keep sharing the story and spreading the love!

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