Monday, October 12, 2020

UPDATE Week of October 12


Last week, we went on our Fall Advance and shared more about our stories with each other. 

It appears Owen took the invitation quite seriously and let the skeletons out of the closet!

Turns out there was nothing to be afraid of! That is the crazy part about vulnerability. What seems like it will hurt us happens to be the thing that frees us!

Don't want to take the metaphor too far...but we are learning to see past the facades we wear and appreciate how on the inside we are all pretty much the same. 


Coming out of Sabbatical for a few moments, Hunter Lambeth stopped by to share some of his story and the lessons he learned along the way. 

Hunter gave us a sneak peek on the book he is currently working on!


It's more oblong I guess. 

This was our first Round Table meal around "The Whale!" We had been fortunate to be able to eat outside until last week. Thank you Eric and Rebecca for cooking enough food to last us all week!

We had a great time of worship afterward and a super talk from Hef about how the light of Christ pierces the darkness. 


Don Flow gave one of the most inspiring presentations I have ever experienced on Tuesday. Wow! Sign me up! I'm ready. Let's go! 

My hand hurt from taking so many notes!


The first Leader Lunch ever done while sitting in a Crazy Creek!

I am not a little biased, but Lia's Leader Lunch is my favorite of the year. I know other people say they married way up (and they might not be lying) but no one ever accuses me of it when I say I did. 

Lia is one of the most inspiring women in the city. She works with passion, humility and integrity. She puts the best interest of the patient above anything else. And she works tirelessly to align the institution with its values. 

I love her!

Picnicking for Leader Lunch while Lia finishes up at her clinic.

Lia and the gang

Two Novant employees!


The Frisbee crew had a little extra fun because it was Ricky's birthday. We didn't have time to bake a cake, but we did have leftover streamers. 

It being Halloween and all - it only made sense to mummify the birthday boy. 

UNPICTURED was the Farm Crew. David and I joined Bryn and Lynn and a new friend Jonathan. We tilled soiled and picked weeds and prepped for spring time. 

Eric has a vision for us to plant our own garden! How about that!


Greg and I found a bit of time to catch up during our lunch breaks.


Joe explained True Self/False Self and introduced Spiritual Disciplines to us. There are two streams of these - engagement and abstinence. He challenged us to pick one or two to incorporate this week. 

I really look up to this guy. 


Hayes Mabry led a group up to the Boone area to celebrate the fall colors on top of Snake Mountain. 


We scouted out a new hike that we need to take y'all there!


There is room for you at the table!

The Winston-Salem Fellows wants you to be part of our community!

Applications are Open!

Picture yourself here!

Or here!

Take a step of faith and become a Fellow!

We want you!


I listened to this over the weekend and got so fired up!

Join the WE and become part of the Fellows Community today!


Monday. Round Table with Joanna Lyall and family!

Tuesday. Round Table and Scouting Mission at LOL Yadkin

Wednesday. Leader Lunch and Politics Discussion with Dr. Will Waldorf. Bible Study. Serve the City. Board Meeting.

Thursday. Christmas for the City Planning

Friday. Budgeting 101. Mixxer. Tour of Industry Hill. Interviewing our First Fellows Candidate. Service Project at Second Harvest Food Bank.

Saturday. Greg and Destini Baby Shower! Caleb McKillop's Engagement Party! Emily Sandstedt's Birthday!

Sunday. Church and Youth Groups. 


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