Monday, July 20, 2020

UPDATE Week of July 20

JM is doing his thing

I was on a Fellows Initiative national phone call this week. We were talking about our Regional Conference in November and whether or not we were going to be able to pull it off in person or not. It was so hard! I don't know if you have experienced this or not - but I think I have pulled my long range thinking muscles. They no longer work!

Well, ready or not - the Fall is coming. And so are the Fellows!

The Week...

We made some good headway with Mentor recruitment. Some of our former mentors are eager to sign up again, and some new folks have reached out to me. This is a little early in our process, but I am thrilled that there is so much interest. 

We are going to be adding on a few new elements to the mentoring piece. Part of this is related to how church is going to look non-traditional this year. Part of this is that I believe that after five years I am finally figuring out what works and what doesn't!

So get ready. Mentoring is going to rock this year!

Lisha and Sallie making Blessing Bags at Reynolda this Thursday
Sallie is one of our outstanding mentors. She also is a great connector, which is a new Fellows volunteer position that we are trying to fill. 

This year, we are going to identify a Church Connector for each of our church partners. This person will be responsible for introducing Fellows to people. 

If you are interested in Connecting - let me know!

Here is Ned gearing up to make some Blessing Bags
Round Table

David and Shannon Rainey hosted us for Summer Round Table on their beautiful back patio. 

For some of us it was the first time we had worshipped physically with other people since March!

That's crazy to think about. 

Such a great night and such sweet people

Hope Pres, one of our church partners, hosted an outdoor Lament Service this week to come together corporately to mourn and grieve our failures as white evangelicals to love our black and brown neighbors. 

Lia was with me
Spreading out

Hope for the Flowers

Art and Innovation...

Meet Cat Skywalker

Local artist Cheryl Ann (of Skin Wars) was commissioned by Mary Haglund (Of Course) to create some beauty at the old Mary's Gourmet Diner. I was meeting with Alan Shelton of Mixxer (the Maker Space in town). His shop was the home base for Cheryl Ann as she learned to cut metal and weld. 

Four months later - Cat Skywalker is flying. 

What a cool moment. You are walking down the street and your friends are doing cool stuff!

One of the ten thousand reasons why I love this city.


We are waiting on one more headshot. So next week looks like the week I'll be introducing the the 20-21 Fellows class to you! Woo Hoo!!!

We are still interviewing!

Tomorrow, we have a great candidate we are Zooming with. And we are prepared to take on another one or if you know someone (particularly a guy) who is still figuring out their future - let me know! STAT!

If you don't JM will keep Brianne in a headlock


We need your support!

If you are looking to give to a proven program that is changing lives every year and slowly transforming this city with young men and women who are on fire for the Kingdom - then look no further. The Fellows is the place to invest. 

send checks to

Winston-Salem Fellows
PO Box 20514
Winston-Salem, NC 27120

or give online to

How about give monthly? There is an option online!

What's cooking This Week...

Lia made this from our garden (everything but the balsamic and the mozzarella) 

Monday - Staff Meeting (Church Placement Party!); WS Christian; Round Table

Tuesday - Prayer; Horizons; Foundry; Rotary; Interview; BAC; and Elder Meeting

Wednesday - Mentor; Exec Meeting; TFI Directors Call; and Meeting of the Minds

Thursday - Another Mentor! Pre-marital Counseling and a Highlands Consult

Friday - Walking with new friend; HOPE Food Truck Delivery; Davidson College Symposium on Race


Mountain weekend with some friends

horse show last week

Haley was a bridesmaid!

roommate love

Summiting at Grayson highlands

Lia and the girls are down there somewhere

Dave Dave is on top


maximum occupancy

might need to invest in bigger life vests


saved this toad from death

playing with friends in the mountains

backpack sweat

monster Zuke


David and Samantha

Cat Skywalker on the house

the gals

Hef might kill me for posting this


first date night outside of our house since COVID

Round Table

my girl

Anna Rose is standing in a hole

cutey pies

moms and their foals

safety first

safety not first
Grayson Highlands

Thanks all! Keep sharing the story and spreading the love

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