Monday, July 27, 2020

UPDATE Week of July 27

Fellows Alum Mathu Gibson

Some friends are joining the effort of making this world a better place for all by posting billboards and making t-shirts with a message for our time. 

One of their models was the talented and inspiring Mathu Gibson. 

check it out on Business 40 near Cloverdale. 


Go to and purchase an “I’m Just_____” t-shirt! All proceeds go to and other groups DISMANTLING SYSTEMIC RACISM! ⠀

there are other t-shirt examples in the More Photos section later...

Also, for those of you who are of a lighter complexion - there are "He was just _____" shirts as well.


First installment
Lia came home this week pretty distraught. She sees firsthand the price that children pay for the fact that we haven't as a society been able to get a handle on stopping COVID-19. 

Children in our city are going to suffer this fall. It's that simple. 

She was shocked to learn that these children don't have books to read! She asked why and they told her how libraries won't let them check out books because they have books they didn't return and they can't find them. 

Any parent knows that this happens all the time. You figure out a solution, like buy the book. But when you are poor or have language challenges, solutions are not as easy to come by. So these kids don't have books to read, and now they are being asked to learn from home. 

Where are they going to get school supplies? Art supplies? Things like jump ropes, frisbees, balls? 

Lia felt compelled to do something about it. So we are collecting Healthy Stuff for kids. 

Not food. There are other organizations doing that. But brain food.

So if you have the following:
Books suitable for Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade
Sports stuff like balls, jump ropes, frisbees
Art Supplies
School Supplies
Seeds for gardening or flowers

We are collecting them and handing them out at doctor visits at Waughtown Pediatrics and the Downtown Health Plaza. 

Contact: to learn more or find out where you can drop things off. Or if you know where we live, just drop it off on our front porch. 

Spread the love of learning this fall by sharing your kids stuff with kids who don't have stuff

The Fellows Are Coming!

Our weekly Directors Zoom Meeting

Meet the 20-21 Class...

Michelle Howard

Michelle is originally from Winston-Salem and graduated from Furman University. 

Bryn Lenkatis
 Bryn is from West Chester, PA and graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania

AJ Britton

AJ is from Orlando, Florida and graduated from University of Florida

Caroline Filston

Caroline Filston is from Lookout Mountain and went to Furman University

Caroline Rassenfoss

Caroline is from Louisville, Kentucky and graduated from Wake Forest University

Hayes Mabry

Hayes is from Shelby, NC and graduated from Appalachian State University

Caroline Wolfe

Caroline is from Charlotte, NC and graduated from Samford University

Bailey Yerby

Bailey is from Greenville, SC and graduated from University of South Carolina

Sam Bishop

Sam is from Orange Beach, Alabama and graduated from Wake Forest University

Tori Ellingson
 Tori is from Gurley, Alabama and graduated from University of Alabama Birmingham

Meghan Beck

Meghan Beck is from Mountain Brook, Alabama and graduated from Wofford College

Owen Wood

Owen is from Winston-Salem, NC and graduated from Davidson College

 Find our their majors and their hobbies next week!

Life Last Week

We continue to hunt for jobs, host families and living accommodations. 
If you are hiring let us know!

If you want a Fellow in your house this year, let us know!

We continue to hammer away at our COVID plan. If you are interested in learning more, let us know. 

The big thing this week was CHURCH PLACEMENT. 

This is huge!

We have a great group of Church Partners this year. 

Shout out to:

First Presbyterian
Hope Presbyterian
Redeemer Presbyerian
Reynolda Church
River Oaks Community Church
Salem Chapel

These churches are going on the offensive this year! we are honored to be part of their mission!

And Yes! We are finally venturing beyond Presbyterians! Woo Hoo!!!! Nothing against Presbyterians...

churches are in a struggle for survival during these wild and challenging times. we are excited to link arms with these churches and other churches in our community to help them be the salt and light we are called to be. we believe the local church must play a big part in the healing and good work that needs to be done if we are going to get through this.

This Last Week of July

We are working hard to finalyze jobs, families, recruit mentors, and continue our program planning. It's a marathon not a sprint. 

This week, churches will be reaching out to Fellows. 
Fellows will be interviewing for jobs. 
We hope to be hearing from housing opportunities.
And we are preparing for our big summer board meeting next week. 
Among other things...

My summer office


The Fellows Program is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that depends on the generosity of people like you for us to run. 

Will you please consider how generous you would like to be this year? Every bit counts. 

Send checks to 
Winston-Salem Fellows
PO Box 20514
Winston-Salem, NC 27120

or give online at

consider a monthly donation. it's easy. and you don't have to worry about it ever again!


We celebrated Garrett Briggs birthday on Monday

We participated in a Davidson College Symposium on the Two Pandemics of our time
We roasted marshmallows with the Mussers to celebrate their return from Senegal

We celebrated Lia's parents - Rich and Sue Simpson on their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Brianne celebrated New Staff Training for Athletes in Action

We celebrated the Mussers with a lot of sugar

Brianne celebrated World Market shopping

And her beautiful bride to be

Tim Musser gives the secret sign

All is well when you are with friends

There is still work to be done.

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