Monday, July 13, 2020

UPDATE Week of July13

He's got this...


An Air Traffic Controller's job has to be one of the most tricky and challenging roles out there. Being able to handle the safe arrivals and departures of dozens of planes and hundreds of passengers an hour has got to be tough. 

I imagine our job in the Fellows is a bit like that. During the brief summer months, we are working hard trying to find our Fellows job opportunities, families to live with, program components to put together, funds to raise, encouragement to our Fellows as they raise tuition, among other things - and they are all "landing" here August 19th ready or not. 

I sure hope we don't crash...

Every summer is wild...this summer is the wildest yet!

One added challenge/opportunity has to do with Churches. This year, we really want to focus on doing the church part of our program well. This might sound counter-intuitive since church has been hit particularly hard during COVID-19. 

But to us, it's an opportunity to re-imagine the church partnership - to think with our churches on how to fully involve their Fellows into the life of the church and for our Fellows program to do the same. We spent the morning dreaming...and I'm excited!


Tuesday and Wednsday:

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I had the privilege of attending a Facilitator Training with Generous Giving. Over the last few years, I have participated in three of their "Journeys" and have been impacted by them greatly. 

What is Generous Giving? 

I love their Vision:

To see the generosity of God displayed through the generosity of God’s people.

We envision a movement of Christians who give extravagantly of all that they are in response to God’s radical grace. Our primary motivation is to see people liberated to live and give in God’s image in order to see God’s kingdom come on earth.

The cool part is that these Journeys are completely free and they are solicitation-free on purpose. They are privately funded, and there is no prescription on what you do after the experience. 

We have used this with the Fellows and it is extraordinary!

I'm excited to now be able to administrate it to them. BUT ALSO to offer it to our community!

If you are interested in pulling together some folks to talk about generosity - let me know. I don't know of a better platform to help people think about the talents, treasures, and time that they have. 

Reach out to me or go to to lean more. 

My training cohort spanned three countries and two continents!


the crew

We had another Zoom Meeting with our incoming Fellows. In addition to going over details, we all shared the best COVID quarantine book we have read, which shows we have binged, and what hobbies we have picked up. 

One Fellow is learning how to sew socks!

Anna Rose turned 14!

She went away for a horse show this weekend and got a ribbon!
A-Ro in action
Birthday milkshake

How I love this girl!


Welcome A.J.

We have our twelfth Fellow! Yee-haw!

A.J. Britton is from the Orlando, FL area and has recently graduated from the University of Florida. Go Gators. 

He has a passion for youth, particularly children in the foster care system and would like to live a life of advocacy and service. 

He is awesome through and through. I can't wait to do life with this guy next year. Woo Hoo!

pictures to come...


Giving makes Summer smile
The Fellows program took a bit of a financial hit this year due to a fundraising pause because of COVID. We had resources to fall back on, but we will need your support now more than ever as we head into our new fiscal year August 1. 

Would you please consider supporting us financially this year?

If you would like to receive a Case for Support document, I'd be glad to share one with you. 

Next year's budget is $179,000.

Over 60% of it is already spoken for. We need you to help us with the rest. 

Send checks to 

Winston-Salem Fellows
PO BOX 20514
Winston-Salem, NC 27120

or give on line at

there is a monthly option - consider doing that!

Thank you!!!!

Looking forward

Monday: Staff meeting and Round Table
Tuesday: Staff Prayer and Meetings
Wednesday: Director's Call and Advancement Team Meeting
Thursday: Church Meetings, Mentor Meeting, and Church Lament Service
Friday: Teaching Calvin to fish.

More Photos

Brianne never disappoints

It was actually big

Show and tell

Jess sent these this week. What great memories

how I love this guy

love these guys, too!

David and I went camping with the Williams and Hillers this weekend

weather was perfection

Elder Meeting at Hope last Tuesday

backyard tranquility

rope swinging

crawdad catching

Life is good. 

Keep spreading the story and sharing the love

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