Monday, January 11, 2021

UPDATE Week of January 11

Surprising Meghan for her almost birthday was certainly a highlight this week.


Last week we eased back into community. We did our best at masking and distancing (you will see in these pictures we didn't do great). But the Lord was gracious. We all tested negative. 

Over the holiday, we had only one Covid Positive, and she was able to quarantine prior to her returning. We will continue to work hard to care for this community and the greater one. With the Lord's help and smart practices, we can make it and you can too! 


That's not to say there isn't some Covid fatigue. We are experiencing it too.

Response to what happened in our country. On Wednesday, we were gathered all together for a Zoom Bible Study when the Trump rally got out of hand and things got violent. It was good to be in community and to pray. The following is a prayer I prayed at church yesterday...

Oh Lord, our strength
You are our rock, our fortress, our mighty deliverer. We find refuge in you because you are our shield, our salvation, our stronghold. We call on you today because you are worthy of praise, and you are the savior of the world.
We are living in a tumultuous time. Our world is suffering from a pandemic that has been exacerbated by a lack of order, a failure to unilaterally love our neighbor, and an inability of considering others as more important than ourselves. We have fallen short, Lord, of living in the light of your glory. For you, O Lord, are a God of order. You, Lord, are a God of love. You, Lord, laid down your life for others. You, Lord, set an example for us so that we would do likewise.
Lord our country is suffering. We as a people have conflicting views about what makes America great and who is best to lead us. This week, these conflicting views rose to the point of violence. They have been fueled to the point that Americans have committed insurrection. We acknowledge that the anger is real. We know that there are many people who believe their actions were patriotic. There are many others who are terrified by this. And for both sides, the way forward is far from clear. Lord, we ask that you bring your justice but also your mercy upon us. We need healing as a nation. And you, Lord, are the healer. You are not only the doctor, but you are also the medicine we need. Our nation needs you.
Lord our church is suffering as well. We have allowed our ideologies color the way we see our brother and sister. We have let our disagreements lead us to division, mistrust, and judgment. We have failed to seek understanding. Instead, we clamor about being misunderstood. Consequently, we have failed to be salt and light in the world. We have done damage to your name because we have not loved each other.
Lord, you make it clear that your goal is for us to become one in heart and mind. You prayed that your followers would be one, like you and the Father are one. You prayed that your followers would be unified so that the world would see this as evidence that you are in fact who you are.
Lord, may the echoes of this prayer resound in our hearts until we humble ourselves, seek your face and turn from our wicked ways. Lord, transform our hearts. Forgive our sins. And heal our land. In Jesus name, Amen.


We are thrilled to welcome Ashlyn Hodges to the Winston-Salem Fellows. Ashlyn will be graduating from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. She has a passion to use her gifts to enter into the lives of the disadvantaged, particularly in the field of medicine. (Yes. I am excited to introduce her to my wife!) In many ways, this program is a perfect fit for her goals. We are equally confident that God is going to use her to make a huge impact in our community next year!

Welcome Ashlyn. 

Another fun gift:

Molly Dwyer and her delightful mother, Anne, stopped by on Monday to visit for a little while. It was such a treat to give them a tour and learn more about their family. 

I am hoping that next time we can be mask free!


Round Table was a little mellow on Monday. Reentry is a challenge. Four of our Fellows were in the middle of Covid stuff. Knowing this, we didn't try to accomplish much except the goal of simply being together. A gift in itself. 

We shared highlights and lowlights and goals for the year. We touched base on some vision for the spring and rayed for each other. A good night.


Emily, C-Fil and Michelle are going strong with goals. They have signed up for a half marathon later this spring. Training so far has been going well. 


C-Fil made some of her famous scones over the weekend

AJ, Tori, Michelle and Owen had a quadruple just friends date with gourmet dinosaur nuggets. 


I'm not going to lie. Friday's snowfall was definitely disappointing.

ONE BIG GIFT was getting to see Christian McConnon who came into town. 

On Saturday night, we gathered with several Fellows alum from multiple classes...THAT is one of my VERY FAVORITE THINGS!

sorry no pics.


On Saturday night, we had a bonfire and ice cream surprise celebration for our beloved Meghan Beck whose birthday was over the holidays. 

The ice cream sundae bar was off the hook. 

Afterward, we had a Just Dance marathon and jammed. 

A great night was had by all...


Several Christmas Trees provided warmth for us.

It was not the warmest of nights

But it was sweet.


Round Table - Celebrating Meghan B. - and the Alabama/Ohio St. Game

Wednesday - Launching a Relationships Series

Bible Study and Pickleball




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