Monday, November 09, 2020

UPDATE Week of November 9


Welcome to the UPDATE


When they give you a sign, you know you are official! It is hard to stack up the blessings of this year against each other. But if we had to - our partnership with Crossnore has to be near the top. 

Living together has enhanced our community in countless ways. The doors of ministry are also opening up here on campus, which gets us really excited about the future!

Thank you Crossnore for taking a chance on us!

The Week

Round Table

Taco Night!

Thank you Applegate Family for the awesome meal. I miss having Round Tables at people's homes, but I am very thankful to have a place to have them. 

After dinner, we went over the plans for the week, talked about community, and then had a great discussion on Philippians 2:1-11. 

How I love these guys!


Yasser Yousseff and the Budd Group

How I love Yasser Yousseff! His story from temp worker to president is one of my favorites. 

But the thing I love most about him is the way he is honest about his weaknesses but also his belovedness. He is rooted in truth. There is so much power in that. 

The Budd Group takes the lives of its 5,000 employees seriously. I love that, too!

Halston Kirpatrick and Brad Cox share some of their wisdom with the group. Being a few years closer to the Fellows age makes them more relatable. I love that!


The Harris and Nicholson Family

Thursday night, Mark Nicholson shared about the ministry that he leads called Passion Life. It works to train pastors and ministry leaders around the world in the 4 Questions surrounding the sanctity of life. 

I didn't know this: 93% of abortions happen outside the United States. BUT 93% of the money spent on fighting abortion happens IN the United States. A little unbalanced wouldn't you say?


Meribeth Robinson, Executive Director of the Crossnore School and Children's Home, began her multi-week training for us on Friday morning

We learned about the Sanctuary model that they use here at Crossnore and began getting terms and principles straight. There is a lot to learn - BUT it is worth it. 

I am eager to see what doors of ministry it will open for us!


Dr. Anthony Jones 

Dr. Jones began his course on Martin Luther King Jr.'s Beloved Community. 

The Fellows LOVED HIM!

I cannot wait to see where he leads us. 



Friday night, we had our second Bonfire of the fall. We kept this one smaller than the one before because of the Covid reality. 

I love when Fellows and Fellows Alumni get to know each other

Haley loves burnt marshmallows

Deep discussions were had

Sam was definitely in a happy place


Every year, Fellows from across the country get together on the first weekend in November for the Micah 6:8 Conference. 

If you don't know that Bible verse. It states:

"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"

This year were were unable to gather because of Covid. Instead, we hosted four programs from the region here in Winston-Salem!

This is former Fellows Alum Christian McConnon's brother. He is a Charlotte Fellow!

The programs who attended were:

The Greenville Fellows (South Carolina)

Charlotte Fellows

Piedmont Fellows (High Point)

Greensboro Fellows

John Richmond (Wake Law Alum) spoke first. 

He is currently the Ambassador for Human Trafficking for the United States of America!

It was so great to pause and worship before each session

our second speaker was Denine Blevins, the Executive Director of Parakaleo that empowers, trains, and supports women in church planting work around the world.

My amazing map of Hanes Park

We had a lot of fun in the sun

Brianne and Haley stopped by

Others skipped the sports and went straight for the libations

Brian Fikkert, Founder and Executive Director of the Chalmers Center, spoke last

It turned out to be an outstanding event. 

Thank you Salem Chapel and Young Life for your help!


the GOYBADS took to the street and did a shoe fitting through Keith and Emily Davis' nonprofit Mission: Feet First. 

These guys inspire me

Jayson Sloan is the man

Jade and Jessie are too

The organizer was my dear friend Anthony. What a gift!

I also got to hang out with Shontell Robinson who is another all star in our city!


church is different in 2020. but it was sweet to share it with the Summers family yesterday


Get your mug here!

It is time to start applying to the Winston-Salem Fellows! Before you know it, we will be full for next year. 

Click Here to Start Your Application


This is a community organization and we need the community to show up and show their support. 

Send checks to:

WS Fellows

PO Box 20514

Winston-Salem, NC 27120

Or give securely online



We decided to chill a bit this week. 

Monday: Round Table with the Welsh family
Wednesday: Leader Lunch with Tina Parker and Bible Study
Friday: Trauma Informed Training and Beloved Community Class
Saturday: Funky Duck at Winston Junction Market!

We are ready! Are you?


Hayes making music to make up for the make up on his face

Reynolda running

Checking out one of Winston's newest stores

Tori and Caroline

Anna Rose had an awesome horse show. 

Brie anyone?


crazy times

Trust seminar

Breakfast with champions


Feet First


Trust seminar

Dr. Jones

Mark Nicholson

Sorry. John, not the best pic of you!

JM and Brianne went on a motorcycle ride



I actually got to go to 2 Bonfires Friday night! This one was with Hope Middle School Youth Group!

Thanks ALL!

Keep sharing the story and spreading the love

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