Friday, February 29, 2008

The Results Are In!

The following is taken from Winnie's "mixed breed analysis." "Winnie is unique, unlike any other dog in the world. Results like Winnie's are found in about 70% of mixed breed dogs in the U.S. (I'm not quite sure what that means) Winnie's ancestry contains some Australian Cattle Dog and Boxer and also includes distant traces of Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Pit Bull). There are also faint signals from other breeds which are not strong enough to identify." Basically, she is really a mutt.

Of the 16 votes, many demonstrated expert breed identification skills, successfully spotting Winnie's Boxer and Pit Bull geneology. However, no one recognized her Australian Cattle Dog roots. Therefore, choosing a winner has been difficult, but after thorough deliberation between Lia, Anna Rose, Winnie and I we have concluded that "Bobo" (a.k.a. Kojack a.k.a. Quota Boy a.k.a. Joe Extraordinaire a.k.a. Kerry Koberg) is our winner. Congratulations! You have achieved Apprentice Dog Whisperer Status.
australian cattle dog.............boxer........................pit bull

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