Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Washington D.C.

Sorry, the next two entries will have no pictures. But even without the visuals, they are worthy of a report. The weekend of the 17th, Lia and I drove up to Washington D.C. for a wedding slash pediatric convention slash our first weekend without children since David was born.

It was a fantastic time. Even with the rain. I had it in my mind that I was going to go on a bike ride and so I did (along with many other Washingtonians I might add (It was the annual Bike the Capital Day)). Once you got going you could hardly tell that the wind chill was below 40 degrees. The next day, no rain. Lia and I ran around the National Mall. I did a similar loop the following morning in the sunshine.

We slept.

We also had the honor of attending Robbie and Kelly Mills wedding. The ceremony was in a small Episcopal church in Georgetown. The reception was on the river. I can't remember the name of the place, but its insides looked like the inside of a cruise ship to me. We danced and ate and talked and laughed and I felt a little bit old because I thought the music was too loud. But what a time! I don't think I have the words to express the joy I was feeling. I just love Robbie Mills.

Adding to the allure of the Capital was the fact that Lia had just finished Dan Brown's new book, and I was in the midst of it. It was pretty amazing to read something and then look out the window and see it.

The highlight, at least the most wild moment, occurred the final morning. I finished my run and started packing our stuff. We needed to leave at 10am in order to get back to Winston in time to make the Young Life banquet (I had a role). However, as I biked my bike over to the parking garage this cop stops me and tells me to go back to where I came from. They had found a suspicious package in the garage. they were shutting off the whole area. I explained that I had to get to my car because I had a performance to get to. She didn't give a rat's tail. The FBI guy who overheard me was more compassionate. He started talking into his collar about me. Next thing I know I've got three FBI dudes who have made it their mission to get me into that parking garage. I packed the rest of my stuff. Could there really be a bomb? I wondered. It was then I realized that the hotel we were staying in was also serving as the temporary Iraqi embassy and that particular morning, the Iraqi government was hosting a business summit at the hotel! Two hundred of the most influential, powerful Iraqi's were standing in the lobby. I got to get out of here, I thought. So I get my stuff and take the elevator down. The guy in the elevator was a teenager, shaggy hair 6'3", 125lbs, carrying his bags to the cab. I put my bags in the car, and as I get back, the FBI asks me if this bag on the curb was mine. I say, "No." He gets red and starts talking into his collar. So I say, "I know the guy. He's harmless." FBI guy tells me if I can't find him, he's going to put the hotel on lockdown. I run back to the room. Lia had returned from her meeting by now, and I say, "Let's get the heck out of Dodge." I get in the elevator. Teenage guy is standing there with round two of his bags. I take him to the FBI. I carry our bags to the car, and we slip out just in the nick of time.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Still waiting...where's part two? I love the intrigue of it all.