Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spit Up Season

I write this as spit-up oozes down my neck. Don't get me wrong, I love the kid, but I'm definitely struggling through a major readjustment of priorities and expectations.

And so as of this morning, I've decided that by June if my two children are still breathing and if Lia and I have not gone certifiably insane, then I will consider this spring an achievement of monumental proportions. Anything else that manages to get done will be gravy.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Well, judging from your Arnold post, I would say your priorities needed some adjusting, so good for you, David! Expectations...haven't you been through this before? Personally, I think the time you feel the difference the most in having more kids is trying to get out the door. Hope you make it to summer! I'm sure you will.