Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This summer, the Simpson clan headed south of the border for our annual vacation.

It turned out to be quite an educational week.

Dave Dave learned to walk.

Evy learned to swim with floaties.

Anna Rose learned to float on her back.

Sue learned that the best part of vacation is not having to cook or clean up afterwards.

Cara learned how to use the new lens on her camera.

Todd and Caitlin learned how best to pose for photos at dusk.

Caitlin also learned to relax.

Todd also learned that his best look was shirt unbuttoned.

Todd also taught me to flex one's triceps when getting one's picture taken.

Rich learned where wild macaws live.

Rich also learned to take it all in.

Jeremy learned he was not the weak link at the euchre table (or the Settlers!).

Jeremy also learned that if law doesn't pan out, there is always daddy daycare.

Wyatt taught us to chill.

Chad learned that we all think he is famous because he lives in L.A.
He also learned to accept it.

Lia learned (or we learned about Lia) that she is at least one-half mermaid (does that make her three-quarters human?)

I learned that "el stoppo" does not mean "stop" in Spanish.
I also learned how to make tortillas!

(Although I need another first attempt at home almost resulted in a visit from the fire department!)

All in all, it was a most eventful, fully wonderful week. I think we would also say the best part was getting to know Raul, R.J., Jemma, and Goya. They really became part of the family!

1 comment:

Raul said...

Hola Amigos
Como estan?
I'm R.J.from Puerto Vallarta.
We saw the pictures, they are beauty.
Muchas gracias por todo, los extrañamos mucho Bye.
